Become a Member!
Individuals and families from across Bowen Island come together at the TBCA.

Resident Membership
Tunstall Bay property owners are eligible for a Resident Membership that extends to their immediate family members who are living at the same address. Resident membership includes:
access to all club activities and facilities
guest privileges
priority consideration for swimming lessons and mooring buoys
right to vote on the election of the Board of Directors.​
Associate Membership
Tunstall Bay Associate Memberships do not require residency in the Tunstall Bay neighbourhood. This membership extends to all immediate family members that are resident at the same address and includes:
access to all club activities and facilities
guest privileges
priority consideration for swimming lessons and mooring buoys.
Membership Add-ons
Extend your membership and extend your enjoyment of the TBCA.
Extended Family
For those with family living off-island who want to spend time at the club, this add-on extends the 4x/year guest limitation for extended or separated/divorced family households not living on Bowen Island.
Extended Family
For the grandchildren (under age 19) and employed caregivers of club members and associates who live on Bowen, this add-on extends the 4x/year guest limitation.
Mooring buoys are availalble for rent in Tunstall Bay during the summer season (May 15-Sept 15). Weekly extensions and guest moorage are also available.
Courts Fees (2024)
Courts Membership (Annually)
Courts Membership Application (One-time)
Courts Membership Initiation (One-time)
Volunteer Deposit* (Annually)
Extended Family (Annually per person)