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Gate Security Improvements

We have had a shortage of access fobs recently, impacting both new members and also any existing members who may have lost or misplaced their fobs. As a result, some members have been sharing fobs and using access codes at the various locks to gain entry to TBCA facilities.

This situation has provided an opportunity to review and audit all fobs and access codes. And this has meant, over the past few weeks, that the database that manages our fobs and locks has been "scrubbed", removing access to "expired" (lost, resigned, moved) fobs and identifying old access codes.

What does this mean to me?

  • Your fob may misbehave. As some fobs have been "recycled" among departing and new members, our records may not have kept abreast of all changes in fob ownership. The database "scrub" may impact the function of your fob. If you find that your fob is not working as it did before, please use our contact page or send an email to with the details and we'll work on getting you up and running again.

  • Soon, access codes will no longer work. Member access codes on the various gates will be removed as of Monday September 16 and all members must access TBCA facilities using fobs. In the past, access codes, (by their very nature), have been spread around, which means we cannot properly control who is accessing our facilities. This change will help to improve security and help ensure that users accessing facilities are truly entitled to that access. If you do not have a functioning fob, please reach out via our contact page or send an email to

Thank-you in advance for your patience and cooperation as we work towards improving the security of our Club and Facilities.



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